Research & Development (R&D)

GRAVIONIC is a spin-off of the Institute of Flight Guidance and Control (IFF) of the Technical University of Braunschweig/Germany. Due to this special background, our team has unique skills in the analysis, modelling and modification of dynamic systems (sensors, vehicles, aircraft, etc.) and also in special precise GNSS/INS positioning and navigation. In result we team up with the following background: aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, physical and satellite geodesy, geophysics, navigation and positioning, flight control and mechanics, geology and also biology. As we are generally specialized in the development of complex sensor systems, into the past years we developed the marine and airborne gravity system iCAGS. This system is also suitable for vehicle born gravity and for operation on small and fast boats.

Furthermore we developed special test procedures and test benches to verify the quality of airborne gravity sensors.


Main Airborne Gravity R&D related Publications

of the Institute of Flight Guidance (IFF) and GRAVIONIC

Schänzer G. "Neue Systemkonzepte zur luftgestützten Gravimetrie". Abschlussbericht zum Forschungsvorhaben Scha 334/6-1, Institut für Flugführung (IFF); 1993

Schänzer G., Abdelmoula F. "Fluggravimeter". Zwischenbericht Sonderforschungsbereich Flugmesstechnik SFB 429; Institut für Flugführung (IFF); 1999

Abdelmoula F., "Design of an Open-Loop Gust Alleviation Control System for Airborne Gravimetry". Aerospace Science and Technology, No.6; 1999

Schänzer G. "An approach to utilising in-flight gravimetry in geodesy and geophysical exploration". Aerospace Science and Technology; February 2000

Abdelmoula F. "Ein Beitrag zur Bestimmung der Erdbeschleunigungsanomalien an Bord eines Flugzeuges". ZLR-Forschungsbericht 2000-02; Shaker Verlag; 2000

Abdelmoula F., Cremer M. "Design of a high precision differential altitude sensor (Statoskop)". Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol.5 No.7; 2001

Schänzer G. "A high precision Inertial Navigation System applied for Airborne Gravimetry". Symposium Gyro Technology; Stuttgart/Germany 2003

Stelkens-Kobsch T. H. "The Airborne Gravimeter CHEKAN-A at the Institute of Flight Guidance (IFF)". in Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions, GGSM 2004, IAG International Symposium, Porto, Portugal, August 30 - September 3, 2004, Jekeli et al., pp.113, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg; 2005.

Stelkens-Kobsch T. H. "Further Development of a High Precision Two-Frame Inertial Navigation System for Application in Airborne Gravimetry". in Observation of the Earth System from Space; Flury et al.; pp.479; Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg; 2006

Kreye C., Niedermeier H., Heyen R., Stelkens T. H., Boedecker G. "Galileo and the Earth's Gravity Field - Using GNSS for Airborne Gravimetry - An Overview". Inside GNSS; 2006

Stelkens-Kobsch T. H., Heyen R. "Gravity Measurements with a Van on a high frequented German Highway". GRAVIONIC White Paper No. 2010/01-B; 2010

Seemann L. "Systemidentifzierung eines Gravimetersensors". Institut für Flugführung (IFF), TU Braunschweig, Studienarbeit; 2010

Gravionic GmbH

Hermann-Blenk-Str. 27+29
38108 Braunschweig


Phone: +49 531 26 25 18 4
Mobile: +49 172 8777183