GRAVIONIC is committed to an incident-free workplace, everyday, everywhere. Our performance depends on our ability to continually improve the quality of the services we provide to our clients, while protecting people and minimizing the impact on the environment.
GRAVIONIC requires an active commitment to QHSE from all our people and our contractors in all work activities.
GRAVIONIC has a QHSE Committee which oversees all QHSE matters. This Committee is chaired by the Chief Executive Officer and establishes procedures and guiding principles as it deems necessary to carry out the Company QHSE policy.
GRAVIONIC has established assessment, self-evaluation and audit programs to monitor the Company's compliance with this Policy.
The Company will strive to mitigate the impact of any foreseeable hazards, which may endanger health, safety and the environment, or could affect the quality of products and services it provides. This will be achieved through formal risk assessments as required per Company Policies and Procedures.
Hermann-Blenk-Str. 27+29
38108 Braunschweig
Phone: +49 531 26 25 18 4
Mobile: +49 172 8777183